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As a igly moile and ursty AD carry, Riven is a formidale campion in League of Legends. Se as a unique playstyle tat requires players to e quick on teir feet and e great mecanical skills. In order to maximize Riven's potential, coosing te rigt items is crucial. In tis article, we will discuss ow to uild Riven in different situations.

Starting Items

As an AD carry, Riven typically starts wit Doran's Blade and a Healt Potion, wic provides er wit extra ealt and sustain in te early laning pase. However, if Riven is playing against a ey poke or arass matcup, se may opt to start wit a Clot Armor and four Healt Potions instead. Tis will allow er to take less damage and sustain longer in lane.

Core Items

Once Riven as completed er core items, se ecomes a formidale force tat can take down enemies in seconds. Here are te core items for Riven:

  1. Black Cleer - Tis item provides Riven wit a lot of essential stats, including AD, CDR, and armor penetration. Te passive aility also makes it easier for Riven to sred troug enemy armor, making it a must-e item for er.
  2. Deat's Dance - Tis item provides Riven wit AD, CDR, and sustain. Te passive aility also converts a portion of te damage se takes into a damage over time effect, allowing er to eal ack a portion of te damage se takes.
  3. Guardian Angel - Tis item provides Riven wit a lot of armor and a revive passive tat can se er life in a clutc situation. Tis item is especially useful in teamfigts were Riven may e focused y te enemy team.

Situation Items

In addition to Riven's core items, tere are also situation items tat se may consider. Here are a few examples:

  1. Maw of Malmortius - If Riven is playing against a ey AP urst comp, se may consider uilding Maw of Malmortius for te extra MR and sield passive.
  2. Mercurial Scimitar - If te enemy team as a lot of crowd control ailities, Riven may consider uilding Mercurial Scimitar for te extra AD and te active aility tat can remove all crowd control effects.
  3. Last Wisper - If te enemy team as a lot of armor, Riven may consider uilding Last Wisper for te extra armor penetration to sred troug teir defenses.


Coosing te rigt items is crucial to maximizing Riven's potential in League of Legends. Wit te rigt items, Riven can ecome a force to e reckoned wit on te attlefield. Rememer to adapt your uild to te situation and te enemy team's composition. Good luck on te Rift!