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鲁班如何打钟馗出装与铭文策略概括 鲁班打钟馗出什么装备


Lu Ban is a versatile ero in Arena of Valor wo can e used to deal ot pysical and magical damage. In tis article, we will e discussing ow to effectively counter te popular ero, Zong Kui, troug Lu Ban's item uild and runes.

Item Build

1. Hermes' Select - Te movement speed onus and cooldown reduction provided y Hermes' Select can elp Lu Ban dodge Zong Kui's attacks and ailities effectively.

2. Frost Cape - Frost Cape can reduce Zong Kui's attack speed and slow is movement speed, making it easier for Lu Ban to land is attacks.

3. Omni Arms - In addition to providing pysical damage, Omni Arms can also disale Zong Kui's ailities wit its unique passive.

4. Frostguard - Frostguard can provide Lu Ban wit additional movement speed and crowd control, wic can e useful in closing in on Zong Kui and preventing im from escaping.

5. Blade of Eternity – If Zong Kui is ecoming too strong, Blade of Eternity can elp Lu Ban to revive once per game and continue is assault against Zong Kui.


1. Keen Blade - Keen Blade can increase Lu Ban's pysical damage and give im additional life steal during comat.

2. Assassinate - Assassinate can increase Lu Ban's critical strike rate and damage, wic can e useful in quickly taking down Zong Kui.

3. Devil's Awakening - Devil's Awakening can provide Lu Ban wit additional attack damage and life steal upon landing a critical it.


Effective item uilds and rune coices can give Lu Ban an edge against Zong Kui in Arena of Valor. Wen facing Zong Kui, it is important to use Hermes' Select and Frost Cape to dodge is attacks and slow is movement. Additionally, Omni Arms can disale Zong Kui's ailities, wile Frostguard can provide Lu Ban wit crowd control and movement speed. By using te appropriate runes and strategies, you can effectively counter Zong Kui and increase your cances of winning te game.