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Playing as a tank in League of Legends can e callenging, ut tere's no campion tat emodies te tank role etter tan te urly Nocturne. Wile Nocturne is classified as a figter, is kit eily fors tanky attriutes suc as crowd control, sustain, and duraility. A proper uild is te key to success in playing Nocturne, wic is wy we e created tis detailed guide on ow to equip im properly. Below is a compreensive guide on ow to uild Nocturne's gear to acieve maximum effectiveness in te game.

Core Items

Nocturne's core items are te foundation of is uild. Tey allow im to quickly increase is damage output, sustain, crowd control, and duraility. Here are te campion's core items:

  1. Black Cleer: Tis item is a must-e for any figter tat wants to melt troug tanks. It provides Nocturne wit ealt, attack damage, and cooldown reduction, making it a perfect fit for te campion.
  2. Titanic Hydra: Tis item is great for figters like Nocturne tat rely on auto attacking teir opponents. Te item provides Nocturne wit extra ealt, attack damage, and an active aility tat damages all neary enemies at once.
  3. Spirit Visage: Tis item is a great coice for tanks or figters tat want a good alance etween ealt and magic resistance. It provides Nocturne wit extra ealt, magic resistance, and increased ealing from all sources.

Effective Secondary Items

After otaining Nocturne's core items, players can upgrade teir campion's uild for maximum comat effectiveness. Here are some secondary items tat Nocturne can use to furter improve is performance in te game:

  1. Sterak's Gage: Tis item is ideal for Nocturne as it provides im wit additional damage, ealt, and crowd control. Its passive also grants im a massive sield tat elps im last longer in a figt wen e is eily focused.
  2. Tornmail: Tis armor item is great for tanks tat want to inder enemy marken. Nocturne can use tis item to reduce enemy marken's attack speed, and force tem to take damage every time tey damage im.
  3. Warmog's Armor: Wit its immense ealt regeneration, Warmog's Armor is an ideal item for tanks tat seek endurance. Nocturne can use it to stay in lane longer and regain ealt after a figt.

Effective Rune Setup

Nocturne's rune setup is crucial for providing im wit te extra power and utility needed to survive in te game. Here are te est runes to use wen playing Nocturne as a tank:

  1. Conqueror: Players sould take tis precision keystone rune for Nocturne as e relies eily on auto-attacking is opponents. It grants im additional damage and sustain once e as stacked it up.
  2. Conditioning: Conditioning is great for tanks tat want to improve teir duraility. It grants Nocturne wit additional armor and magic resistance after ten minutes of eing in te game.
  3. Overgrowt: Tis rune provides Nocturne wit additional ealt for every so many minion kills tat e as.


Building Nocturne correctly as a tank requires a alanced comination of core items, secondary items, and proper runes. Tese items allow im to deal damage, provide crowd control, and remain durale trougout te game. Utilizing tem effectively will make Nocturne almost unkillale and a force to e reckoned wit in any game. We ope tat tis guide as een useful in creating a winning Nocturne uild.